Sail Yorktown Schooner Alliance Aboard the Daily 2-Hour Cruises April to November Morning and Afternoon Cruises Adults $37, Kids $25 Sunset Cruises $37 per person No child discount Bring the kids to Capt. Mahems's School of Piracy! Adults $37, Kids $25 Pirate Cruises Memorial Day to Labor Day 1-888.316.6422 Sailing from Riverwalk Landing f Sail Yorktown Schooner Alliance Aboard the Daily 2-Hour Cruises April to November Morning and Afternoon Cruises Adults $37, Kids $25 Sunset Cruises $37 per person No child discount Bring the kids to Capt. Mahems's School of Piracy! Adults $37, Kids $25 Pirate Cruises Memorial Day to Labor Day 1-888.316.6422 Sailing from Riverwalk Landing f