WILL YOU LEAVE RAST BUITDERSA LEGACY OR A MESS? FREE ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR Please join us for a FREE ESTATEPLANNING SEMINAR to learn how new state and federal laws affect your ability to manage, preserve and transfer wealth. At this timely educational seminar you will learn: How to use a revocable living trust to avoid probate, minimize taxes and peotect wealth How Virginia's new Power of Attorney and Medical Directive Laws impact plannig foe incaacitation How to preserve assets for your children even if your spouse remarrics after your death How a "Dymasty Tnust can peotect your children's inheritance from divorce, estabe taxes creditors and diahility Why joint owncrship, bencficiary designations and simple wills are dangcrous ways to transfer assets. W hy special planning is now required to peotect and manage IRAs and other retirement plans Wtry you should use a dedicated estate planing firm that can assist your Eamily with the administration of your caate Do Not Miss This FREE Seminart Seating is Limited. Please Reserve Your Place Today By Calling: 1-800-966-2889 757-877-2248 or RSVP online at: www.trustbuilders.com Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 10:30am Joe & Mimma's Italian Restaurant aunch Seedt 5742 George Washington Memorial Hwy.. Yorktown, VA 23692 Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 10:30am Williamsburg Regional Library (The Schel Room) 515 Scotland Street Williamsburg, VA 23185 Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 6:30pm Hilton Garden Inn IKin Creek) 180 Regal Way Newport News, VA 23602 TRUSTBUILDERS LAW GROUP IIIE TRUSTBUILDERS Joseph T. Chip" BuxtonLAW GROU P George P. Waskefleld Buxton The Buxton Family has been perving Greater Kampton Roads in law and medicine since 1906 Managing Partners, Chip and Wake Buxon, combine nearly sixty years of estabe planning and elder law experience. Together, they have served nearly 8,000 dents and prepared over 12.000 estate plans wem results mate, co on TrustBulders laa Gop-or o. yov wealth CHOICE Al very linberesting and weld presented Excellent&dynamic presentation with appropriate talking points Very interesting, held my nterest from start to finish -Doug & Linda A. Vrginia Beach -Jim&TerryS Newport News YORKTOWNMIDDLESEX WILLIAMSBURGVIRGINIA BEACH Wiliamsuts Vrpia 2318 Phone 75738 4