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    January 1, 2022
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James City County VINGINIA Jamestown 1607 PUBLIC NOTICE Economic Development Authority Summary Statement of Financial Conditions As of June 30, 2021 and 2020 The following is a required publication under Section 30-140 of the Code of Virginia, as amended: Condensed Statements of Net Position 2021 2020 Current and other assets 659,090 $ 688,238 Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation 1.362.288 1.554.276 Total assets $ 2,021,378 $ 2,242,514 Current liabilities 24 53.339 Net position: Net investment in capital assets 1,362,288 1,554,276 Unrestricted 659.090 634.889 Total net position 2.021.378 2189,175 Total liabilities and net position $ 2,021.378 $ 2,242,514 Summary of Changes in Net Position 2021 2020 Intergovernmental - County contribution 49,767 $ 5,223 Other operating revenues 103.087 121.817 Total operating revenue 152.854 127.040 Community development and Launchpad 93,636 52,730 Other expenses 64,416 57.567 Total operating expenses 158.052 110.297 Operating income (loss) (5,198) 16,743 Net nonoperating revenues (expenses) (162.599) (108,930) Change in net position (167,797) (92,187) Net position, beginning of year 2.189.175 2281.362 Net position, end of year $ 2,021,378 $ 2,189,175 Detailed financial statements are available for inspection at the Department of Financial and Management Services located in Building F of the James City County Government Center, 101-F Mounts Bay Road, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185. Vince Campana II Chairman, Economic Development Authority James City County VINGINIA Jamestown 1607 PUBLIC NOTICE Economic Development Authority Summary Statement of Financial Conditions As of June 30, 2021 and 2020 The following is a required publication under Section 30-140 of the Code of Virginia, as amended: Condensed Statements of Net Position 2021 2020 Current and other assets 659,090 $ 688,238 Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation 1.362.288 1.554.276 Total assets $ 2,021,378 $ 2,242,514 Current liabilities 24 53.339 Net position: Net investment in capital assets 1,362,288 1,554,276 Unrestricted 659.090 634.889 Total net position 2.021.378 2189,175 Total liabilities and net position $ 2,021.378 $ 2,242,514 Summary of Changes in Net Position 2021 2020 Intergovernmental - County contribution 49,767 $ 5,223 Other operating revenues 103.087 121.817 Total operating revenue 152.854 127.040 Community development and Launchpad 93,636 52,730 Other expenses 64,416 57.567 Total operating expenses 158.052 110.297 Operating income (loss) (5,198) 16,743 Net nonoperating revenues (expenses) (162.599) (108,930) Change in net position (167,797) (92,187) Net position, beginning of year 2.189.175 2281.362 Net position, end of year $ 2,021,378 $ 2,189,175 Detailed financial statements are available for inspection at the Department of Financial and Management Services located in Building F of the James City County Government Center, 101-F Mounts Bay Road, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185. Vince Campana II Chairman, Economic Development Authority